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Matthew 20:1-16
The story of the Fair Employer strikes a dissonant chord in a generation raised to understand that you get only what you earn, and that there is no such thing as a "Free Lunch". Far from being seen as fair, the generous employer is at first glance, entirely unfair. But that is the nature of God's Grace, of God's generosity. It is the character and example of the landowner, not the workers, that inspires. The question for each of us is, how then shall we live in the knowledge of such grace? What time would you show up for work on the next day?

Rent Duration 48 hours
Runtime minutes
Availability No Date Limits
Restrictions Available Everywhere

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  • Fair Employer -...4 - 720p HD.mp4
  • Fair Employer -... - 1080p HD.mp4
  • Fair Employer -...Study Guide.pdf

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    Stream up to 1080p from this website. Access lasts for an unlimited duration.
    Gain access to 3 files to download & play in your player of choice.
  • Fair Employer -...Study Guide.pdf